Monday, August 6, 2012

SHPE group portrait - Colorado commercial photography behind the scenes

We had the opportunity again to photograph for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers' annual magazine cover shoot this weekend. This included a large group photograph at the lovely Inverness Hotel in Englewood.

Here is us getting set up -- we had a 20' lift to photograph the group and good thing too -- we needed to get all the way up to capture all the faces! 

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These lifts are very heavy and weighted on the bottom for stability but it sure gets wobbly as you go up…here is me halfway up as we get everyone in place:

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Up at the top with two powerful lights on each side of me to overpower the sunrise behind the group and a couple more lights in the lift with me.

Screen Shot 2012 08 06 at 2 46 12 PM'


Our artist is still working on the final images (we'll make sure we have a shot with everyone smiling and plenty of space for the magazine masthead, etc.). Here are some sneak previews:

Retouch v1

TIM 7449


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